I spend part of my week working as a Massage Therapist for Tiny Tim's Children's Centre in Coventry, this charity provides free therapies for children from 0-18 years old with disabilities and special needs. I regularly see the enormous beneficial impact that massage provides many of these children and in turn, their families, read a testimonial here. I also hear how difficult it can be for those families to find a therapist willing to work with children.
A sample list of conditions encountered so far : Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Childhood Constipation, Developmental Delay, Downs Syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos-Hypermobility Syndrome, Hemiplegia, Sensory Processing Differences and a range of congenital conditions.
If you think massage would benefit a child or young person in your life, please get in touch.